In the summer of 2015, two veteran managers with pharmaceutical, diagnostic and non-governmental organisation backgrounds founded a consulting partnership to assist public, private and non-profit sector actors to better understand market dynamic and opportunities in emerging markets.

Our experienced management team combined with a networked and patient focused approach helped us to win the confidence of an ever-increasing number of clients and in January 2018 Aliro Consulting. was formally established.

"Aliro" is a word taken from Esperanto, a global language and means "Access"

Healthcare and life sciences have evolved to effectively treat more disease today than at any time in history. The adoption of technologies conceived to accelerate the rapidly expanding global democratization of healthcare are transforming systems to deliver previously unattainable levels of high-quality healthcare in emerging markets. Despite these advances, access to treatment for many of the global population remains beyond reach.

The increased capacity also results in an increased demand for quality services among citizens who are better informed in the fast-growing emerging markets. The need and demand for healthcare has not gone unnoticed by forward thinking investors with many companies and stakeholders extremely active in the emerging markets.

Organisations hoping to introduce or commercialize innovative technologies and approaches in emerging markets often underestimate the complexity of the task. In scenarios such as these, not only is business and market building opportunity lost, patients go without needed care. This dynamic exerts short and long term effects. Aliro Consulting offers clients a range of services and business intelligence to assist and inform public, private and non-profit sector customers tasked with strategic market decisions. Critical analytics, registration, logistics, funding, goals and objectives, timelines and relationships built upon realistic assumptions are key.

Aliro Consulting develops commercial and non-commercial business models, market scenarios or programs which increase access to treatment in the belief that programmes focused upon positive, real-world patient outcomes result in ethical, sustainable and expandable initiatives from which all sides profit. We leverage our experience, insight and network to develop a unique and actionable strategy for each client.